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2014 Ford F-150 FX4

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Price does not include license fees, document preparation fees, and any other applicable fee. While every effort has been made to ensure display of accurate data and pricing, this listing may not reflect all accurate vehicle data, including but not limited to dealer add-ons, and is subject to human error. The photos shown (stock or otherwise) may be an example only. All inventory listed is subject to prior sale and/or to physical dealership arrival. Please consult dealership personnel for further details and to confirm vehicle availability, including but not limited to situations where travel time and expenses may be incurred. Thank you for reading and for considering our dealership for your next vehicle purchase!
Trim: FX4
Body Style: Truck
Fuel Type: Gasoline
Fuel Capacity: 36 gal
Recommended Fuel: 87 octane
Passenger Seating: 5
OEM Tire: P275/65R18
Engine: EcoBoost 3.5L Twin Turbo V6 365hp 420ft. lbs.
Engine HP: 365hp @5000 rpm
Engine Torque: 420 lb-ft. @2500 rpm
Towing Capacity: n/a
Max Towing Capacity**: 11,300 lbs
Max Payload: 1,830 lbs