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2025 Chevrolet Traverse LT 2LT

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Recent Arrival! At Portsmouth Chevrolet, you win! 2025 Chevrolet Traverse LT 2LT Lakeshore Blue Metallic AWD 2.5L DOHC AWD. We believe there is more to buying a vehicle than worrying about the price. For that reason, Key Auto has simplified that process for our customers. When we price a vehicle, we take the following into consideration: 1) market conditions, 2) what the area dealers are selling them for, 3) NADA retail value. This way, when you leave a Key Auto Dealership, youre confident youve received the absolute best deal.
Trim: Not listed
Body Style: SUV
Fuel Type:
Fuel Capacity: n/a
Recommended Fuel: n/a
Passenger Seating: n/a
OEM Tire: n/a
Engine: n/a
Engine HP: n/a
Engine Torque: n/a
Towing Capacity: n/a
Max Towing Capacity**: n/a
Max Payload: n/a